Wildbank’s favorite cocktail

Wildbank's daily cocktail

American Yogini Raw Juice Cleanse Program Photography by Charles Wildbank

 Wildbank, besides painting his creations or writing poetry, enjoys a life of raw food recipes, veggie juices, yoga and kayaking almost daily at American Yogini with its founder, Mary McGuire.

Much of his photography is featured on these internet pages promoting a healthy lifestyle to anyone who wishes to renew their lifeforce and energy. All that is needed is a little “time-out” for a few days out in the country here in the North Fork.

This is a comfortable retreat, called “WELCOME HOHM” situated within walking distance of the Hampton Jitney bus stop and just down the street by some nice beaches for swimming, kayaking or relaxation. Visitors have arrived to stay as a restorative stopover from faraway places as Japan, Belgium, Brasil, Puerto Rico, and France. Also for the prana hungry are some really scenic vineyards, grazing farms, and horse ranches for equestrian training as well.

Favorite of all, at the retreat, Wildbank concludes the day among the guests indulging in some quiet time together with a gentle and simple meditation exercise for that real cleanse, the quieting of the mind.

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